AJE UpdatesConferences

#AJEParis: See our speakers’ slides from this year’s summer conference

Here are the slides from our summer conference 2019 #AJEParis.

Thank you to all our speakers for agreeing to share their slides online for the benefit of those unable to attend the conference.

They are reproduced here as PDFs to allow for small file upload sizes so any slides with videos – there were only a couple – will not play.

‘Untold Stories in the palm of your hand’
James Mahon, University of the West of Scotland


‘Can Untold Stories be told with the
demise of local journalism?’
Prof Kurt Barling, Middlesex University


‘Minding the gap: Untold Stories as motivation, meaning and money for investigative journalism’ Dr John Price, University of Sunderland


‘The great ring of power; mapping
the corporate oligarchy that runs Britain’
Sean Dodson, Leeds Beckett University

Click here to see Sean’s Prezi

‘Advancing Gender Equality in Media Industries (AGEMI):
a project for action’
Prof Karen Ross, Newcastle University


‘Rethinking journalism’s response to migration’ Vivienne Francis, London College of Communication


‘Crossing the Line?’ – Confessional journalism and podcasting’ Kate Williams, University of Northampton


‘#HearMeSpeak – First-hand stories from homeless young people’ Barbara Schofield & Prof Suzanne Franks, City, University of London


‘Untold Stories and vulnerability’
Victoria Neumark-Jones, London Metropolitan University


‘Strangers in strange lands: becoming a journalist revisited’ Dr Andrew Bissell, Bournemouth University


‘Into the Unknown’ Prof Julian Petley, Brunel University


‘Untold Stories about science’ Richard Evans, City, University of London
