External assessor required for MA Arts and Lifestyle Journalism
The London College of Communication (UAL) is seeking to appoint an External Assessor as part of the revalidation of its MA in Arts and Lifestyle Journalism, a course that has been running since 2015.
An Academic External Course Assessor should come from a university where a course similar to that being validated or re-approved is run, i.e. broadly the same subject and level. Validation or re-approval experience is usually helpful as is any experience as a QAA reviewer, external examiner or similar.
External Assessors may not have a current or recent close involvement with UAL as an AL, External Examiner, consultant or similar. External Assessors should not have been employed by the University within the last 3 years (except previously as an external assessor).
External Assessors can be involved in the validation through attending the stage meeting held during validation and in addition separate meetings may be held with the External Assessor alone.
The College has arranged for expenses and a small fee to be paid for the role.
If interested, please contact the Course Leader, Lucia Vodanovic, at l.vodanovic@lcc.arts.ac.uk