BBC News boss to give AJE June conference keynote
James Harding, Director of News and Current Affairs at the BBC, is to be the keynote speaker at the AJE June conference: The Future of Journalism Education
James Harding was born in London. He was educated at St. Paul’s School and studied History at Trinity College, Cambridge.
He joined the Financial Times in 1994 and, among other things, served as Shanghai Correspondent, Media Editor and Washington Bureau Chief. He joined The Times in 2006 as Business and City Editor and worked as Editor from 2007 to 2012. He is the author of Alpha Dogs, How Political Spin Became a Global Business.
James oversees the BBC’s News and Current Affairs programming. More than 80% of UK adults consumed BBC news each week across television, radio and online in 2013. The division’s workforce produces output across Network News, English Regions and the World Service Group.
Conference details:
- June 25th – 26th, 2015
- University of Greenwich
It’s still not too late to submit abstracts, especially for the innovations session.
The practice of doing journalism has changed with advances in technology and the media landscape. Journalism education needs to respond to the challenges and opportunities that this presents. A Poynter survey 2013 survey of journalism educators found that we need to “make sure we are innovating in the classroom with new courses and, more importantly, ways to deliver teaching and engage students.” (Poynter 2013)
In this Summer conference we will look at how journalism education is changing and the skills necessary to respond to the opportunities. What should we be teaching our students? How should we be teaching them? What does the future of research look like for educators? How do those new to the Academy start to research and become engaged with academia?
Abstracts of 150 words are now invited for consideration. A lightning round to showcase “Innovations in Journalism Education” with short 5 minute presentations are also being invited. Some themes that might be addressed include but are not limited to:
- Social media in education
- The REF: where do we go from here?
- Doing journalism research: methodologies and findings
- Responding to students’ needs
- Teaching methods
- Innovations in teaching practice
- Teaching digital practices
- The practitioner – academic: making the transition
- Broadening the journalism curriculum
Suggestions for panels or presentations should be sent by Friday April 10 to:
Sarah Jones –
Kathy Watson –
(please cc to all the above email accounts)