
A training day for new hackademics?

The AJE Committee is seeking views on holding a training day aimed at journalists looking to find work lecturing and those in the first few years of teaching.

It is in the very early stages of planning, but we are keen to establish if there is demand for such an event. It is likely there would be sessions on getting into teaching, university structures and education jargon, assessment, research, planning teaching etc.

So if you have colleagues that don’t know the difference between their summative and formative assessment methods and think the NSS is a rival to CNN, why not mention this to them?

The event would be promoted to practising journalists and among early career AJE members.

If you would like to attend the event, would like to contribute to the day as a speaker or simply think it is a great / terrible idea – please email the website editor and he will forward messages to the Committee.
