Nick Bryant, BBC New York correspondent, presents keynote at AJE Annual Conference 2021
AJE was delighted to welcome Nick Bryant as the keynote speaker at this year’s Annual Conference.
Nick, who is the BBC’s New York correspondent, has recently published When America Stopped Being Great, where he looks at how America’s decline paved the way for Donald Trump’s rise, sowing division and leaving the country vulnerable to its greatest challenge of the modern era.
A personal elegy for an America lost, unafraid to criticise actors on both sides of the political divide, When America Stopped Being Great takes the long view, combining engaging storytelling with recent history to show how the country moved from the optimism of Reagan’s ‘Morning in America’ to the darkness of Trump’s ‘American Carnage’. It concludes with some of the most dramatic events in recent memory, in an America torn apart by a bitterly polarised election, racial division, the national catastrophe of the coronavirus and the threat to US democracy evidenced by the storming of Capitol Hill.
10am-10.10am Welcome
10.10am-11.40am SESSION 1
What are journalists for anymore in a post-pandemic/post-Trump world?
Dr Margaret Hughes, University of the West of Scotland
Bolsonarism and censorship: the impacts of surveillance and democracy erosion on Journalism Education in Brazil
Dr Ivana Ebel, University of Derby & Dr Janara Nicoletti, Observatory of Journalistic Ethics (objETHOS), Brazil
In praise of bias
Prof Brian Winston, University of Lincoln & Dr Matthew Winston, University of Leicester
Destructive storytelling: a new approach to understanding disinformation and its destructive impact on the democratic function of the news media
Dr Imke Henkel, University of Lincoln
11.45am-1.00pm SESSION 2
The role of local media outlets and hyperlocal news sites in England during the COVID-19 pandemic
Rachel Ammonds, Worcester University
Remote voices: have new ways of working during the pandemic impacted on the diversity of sources in television news?
Ian Bucknell, University of Leeds
Local media and local government
Tor Clarke, University of Leicester
1.00pm-2.00pm LUNCH
3.00pm – 4.15pm SESSION 3
Post Brexit, Post Pandemic: Reshaping Public Administration Teaching for Journalism Students
Kate Ironside, University of Northampton
The disappearing newsroom and the backpack journalist: challenges and opportunities
Deborah Wilson David, Nottingham Trent University
Corrections and clarifications: the undermining of journalism by societal ‘authorities’ and how we teach journalistic resilience
Sarah Drummond, Newcastle University